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Scientific studies




Plantas do gênero Campomanesia: potenciais medicinal e nutracêutico

The book "Plantas do gênero Campomanesia: potenciais medicinal e nutracêutico" far from the pretension of exhausting the concepts and knowledge of the area, brings a broad survey of research published until February 2021 by different authors, with different perspectives, on the Campomanesia genus with the aim to open the topic to new reflections, research and products. 

The work was organized by professor Claudia Andrea Lima Cardoso, from UEMS, and is available for download, free of charge, at http://www.uems.br/editora/menu/a5164dc0ceaa9bb6e5ce77293dd375f1 .

capa do livro Plantas do gênero Camponanesia


Note: The photos used on this site were taken from the book referred to above, with the necessary authorizations for use.


Plantas do gênero Campomanesia: potenciais medicinal e nutracêutico

The book "Plantas do gênero Campomanesia: potenciais medicinal e nutracêutico" far from the pretension of exhausting the concepts and knowledge of the area, brings a broad survey of research published until February 2021 by different authors, with different perspectives, on the Campomanesia genus with the aim to open the topic to new reflections, research and products. 

The work was organized by professor Claudia Andrea Lima Cardoso, from UEMS, and is available for download, free of charge, at http://www.uems.br/editora/menu/a5164dc0ceaa9bb6e5ce77293dd375f1 .



Patents with species of the Campomanesia genus


Guavira bark spices

Elaboration of powdered guavira peel spices. Depositor: Almiro Kelm. BR 102017013777-5 A2. Deposit: June 26 2017. Concession: 15 Jan. 2019. Available at: https://patentimages.storage.googleapis.com/d6/f1/3e/bf26f00d776378/BR102017013777A2.pdf . Accessed on: April 16 2021.


Ethanol extract of Campomanesia

MIGLIOLO, L.; SALVADOR, JP; BARBOSA, RMA; SILVA, PS; FRHILING, BEF; OAK, CME; MATIAS, R. Applicability of ethanol extract of Campomanesia sp in photoprotective and dermocosmetic formulations. Depositors: Salesian Mission of Mato Grosso; Anhanguera University Uniderp. BR 102019005882-0 A2. Deposit: 25 mar. 2019. Concession: Oct. 13 2020. Available at: https://patentimages. storage.googleapis.com/2f/15/0b/fbf63116608be9/BR102019005882A2.pdf . Accessed on: April 16 2021.


Cocoa liquors, chocolates and other products through the fermentation of beans in natural fruit juices

SOCCOL, CR; PEREIRA, GVM; ROGEZ, HLG Process for obtaining cocoa liqueurs, chocolates and other cocoa-based food products with superior functional and sensory properties through the fermentation of cocoa seeds in natural fruit juices with the addition of microbial fermentation agents. Holder: Federal University of Paraná. BR 102015021203-8 A2. Deposit: 01 sep. 2015. Grant: March 20. 2018. Available at: https://patentimages.storage. googleapis.com/8b/9a/5a/d3ea9e72553a64/BR102015021203A2.pdf . Accessed on: April 16 2021.


Coffee beverages by fermenting beans into natural fruit juices

SOCCOL, CR; PEREIRA, GVM; SOCCOL, VT Process for obtaining coffee drinks with different aromas and flavors through the fermentation of beans in natural fruit juices with the addition of microbial fermentation agents. Holder: Federal University of Paraná. BR102013031849-3A2. Deposit: December 11 2013. Concession: 13 Oct. 2015. Available at: https://patentimages.storage.googleapis.com/07/fc/d6/ae434e1574ce28/BR102013031849A2.pdf . Accessed on: April 16 2021


Scientific articles

Foto: Frutos de Campomanesia adamantium

Fonte: Acervo pessoal Dra. Claudia Andrea Lima Cardoso


Pradella, LC, Dourado, DM, Santos, CHM dos, Fermiano, MH, Matias, R., & da Silva, BAK (2021). Evaluation of the scientific activity of the leaf of the species Campomanesia pubescens in wound model infected by Staphylococcus aureus. Bioscience Journal, 37, e37032. https://doi.org/10.14393/BJ-v37n0a2021-42182


Verruck, S., Cunha Junior, A., Maraschin, M., Fronza, N., Budke, JC, Hassemer, G. de S., Prudencio, ES, & da Silveira, SM (2021). Peasantry spp. native fruits as potential source of health-promoting compounds. Bioscience Journal, 37, e37053. https://doi.org/10.14393/BJ-v37n0a2021-54318


Preigschadt, A., Bevilacqua, RC, Netto, MS et al. Optimization of ketoprofen adsorption from aqueous solutions and simulated effluents using H2SO4 activated Campomanesia guazumifolia bark. Environ Sci Pollut Res (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11356-021-15668-7


Medino, I. C., Tonini, I. G. de O., Amaral, L. A. do, Loubet Filho, P. S., Santos, E. F. dos, & Novello, D. (2019). Cookie adicionado de farinha de resíduos de guavira: composição físico-química e análise sensorial. Evidência, 19(1), 7–22. https://doi.org/10.18593/eba.v19i1.20287


Cain, J. P., da Silva, A. C. G., Soares, J. M., Santos, M. M. R., do Amaral, L. A., Freitas, E., & dos Santos, D. N. Adição de farinha de resíduos de guavira em barra de cereais: aceitabilidade sensorial e caracterização físico-química. Conexão Ciência. Edição v. 14 n. 2 (2019) https://doi.org/10.24862/cco.v14i2.1021


Schneider, V. S., Iacomini, M., & Cordeiro, L. M. (2019). β-L-Araf-containing arabinan and glucuronoxylan from guavira fruit pomace. Carbohydrate research, 481, 16-22. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.carres.2019.06.005


Oshiro, J. A., de Queiroz, L. D. S., Carlos, V. M., Borges, D. B., de Araújo, I. P. P., de Souza, C. S., ... & de Souza, G. H. O. ANÁLISE FÍSICO-QUÍMICA DA ELABORAÇÃO DE MUFFINS COM FARINHAS DA CASCA DE GUAVIRA E DA POLPA DO JATOBÁ-DO-CERRADO–INSERÇÃO DO SLOW FOOD NA ALIMENTAÇÃO. 71ª Reunião Anual da SBPC - 21 a 27 de julho de 2019 - UFMS - Campo Grande / MS. http://livro.sbpcnet.org.br/71ra/trabalhos/resumos/5081_1caad67d724b402a77901f1a0fb346a9b.pdf


Salgado, C. D. S., Alexandre, A. C. N. P., Amaral, L. A. D., Sarmento, U. C., Nabeshima, E. H., Novello, D., & Santos, E. F. D. (2022). Adição de farinha de casca de guavira em pão: características físico-químicas e sensoriais. Brazilian Journal of Food Technology, 25.  https://doi.org/10.1590/1981-6723.17021 

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