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Fruto Campomanesia Adamantium

Bringing a little about the guavira
in your space

For knowledge, culture and partnerships

Photo: Campomanesia adamantium .

Source: Personal collection of Dr. Marcelo Kuhlmann

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Folhas de Campomanesia Guazumifolia

Photo: Leaves of Campomanesia guazumifolia.

Source: Personal archive Ms. Dalvan Carlos Beise


Learn more about the origin of this fruit that presents the colors of Brazil: with green and yellow bunches. Know its benefits and the different products that are produced.

Frutos de Campomanesia Adamantium

Photo: Fruits of Campomanesia adamantium.

Source: Dr. Mateus Augusto Donegá's personal collection

Characteristics and cultivation

Learn more about growing this plant. Raw material in abundance is a fundamental ingredient to encourage new companies and industries to act with this product. 


Foto: Frutos de Campomanesia adamantium

Fonte: Acervo pessoal Dra. Claudia Andrea Lima Cardoso

Characteristics and cultivation

Learn more about growing this plant. Raw material in abundance is a fundamental ingredient to encourage new companies and industries to act with this product. 

Flores de Campomanesia Adamantium durante a seca

“Don't judge each day by the harvest you  reap, but for the seeds you plant"

Robert Louis Stevenson

Photo: Campomanesia adamantium leaves and flowers during the Cerrado drought

Source: Personal collection Esp. Elifas Davi Mendes Lisbon



Photo: Fruits of Campomanesia adamantium

Source: Dr. Mateus Augusto Donegá's personal collection

Guavira State Seminary

Campo Grande, MS.

The Guavira State Seminar, held annually since 2018, in Campo Grande - MS, which aims to discuss issues related to the preservation, conservation and restoration of guavira, and deals with aspects related to sustainable exploration, product development and tourism, and also the strengthening of a production chain.

O Guavira conecte busca facilitar o compartilhamento de oportunidades de recursos para projetos, vagas de estágios, empregos, bolsas, cursos e eventos promovendo o desenvolvimento e a interação entre a comunidade e também ampliando e fortalecendo a rede de conhecimento e divulgação ao redor do Projeto Guavira.


Saiba mais sobre o livro Potencial terapêutico e alimentício de guavira, marmelo do cerrado e pimenta rosa: nativas e cultivadas ex situ, clicando aqui.

Essa delícia foi criada por Thiago Aguayo (@thiago.aguayo), trazendo um toque especial das folhas de guavira para enriquecer o sabor do pão! A receita é perfeita para quem busca uma experiência única e saborosa!

Publicação do Instagram 1080x1080  px..jpeg
Frutos imaturos de Campomanesia Aurea

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Visit our list of registered companies and properties that work with a product or service related to guavira. 


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Note: The photos used on this site were taken from the book “Plantas do gênero Campomanesia: potenciais medicinal e nutracêutico”, with the necessary authorizations for use.

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